Jen Boffey


Greenville, SC

Last Modified: July 17, 2023

Jen Boffey lives life to experience the full spectrum of opportunities which include challenges, joys, learning & growing. She taught elementary school before being an involved stay-at-home mom to three daughters.

While home she participated in different organizations to better the community and create connections, as the President of MOMS Club, PTA treasurer, and an engaged involved citizen.

Later, she gained small business bookkeeping experience by working for an accountant and then put those and other management skills to use by purchasing an existing franchise hair salon.

She believes in the value of self-reflection and building awareness through authentic living, therapy, and mental health awareness.

She became a Certified Life Coach and uses these valuable versatile skills with clients, in organizations she contributes to and in her everyday life.

Jen’s Experience

Jen has known Maria Gmitro, founder and president of BISA, for over twenty years. She witnessed firsthand as a close friend her health journey (illness, discovery & recovery).

She has been able to support Maria and also add an outside perspective as to how to effectively communicate important messaging to those unaware and possibly skeptical of breast implant advocacy.


  • B.A., Elementary Education — University of Florida


  • Adult Chair Life Coach

“I advocate to create balance and peace in your life within today’s busy, complex, overwhelming world.”