
Explore balanced, science-backed information about breast implants.

Getting Breast Implants

Research the essentials before making a decision.

Monitoring Breast Implants

Keep an eye on signs and symptoms.

Coming Soon

Removing Breast Implants

Plan for a safe surgery with post-op considerations.

Coming Soon

Potential Breast Implant Complications

Though the data is emerging, the FDA currently considers implant-related cancers to be rare.

  • Breast Implant Illness

    Breast implant illness (BII) refers to a pattern of flu-like symptoms, which may be debilitating and chronic.


    Breast implant-associated anaplastic lymphoma (BIA-ALCL) is a cancer of the lymphatic system.



    Breast implant-associated squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a form of cancer in scar tissue around breast implants.

  • Lymphomas

    Various lymphomas, a type of lymphatic cancer, may develop in the scar tissue around breast implants.