Sientra Bankruptcy Update: New Ownership, Warranty Commitments

When Sientra, Inc. voluntarily filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection, the patient community faced uncertainties regarding its breast implant warranties. Since announcing bankruptcy on Feb. 13, the breast implant manufacturer recently auctioned its assets, as reported by the company in a press release.

Breast Implant Manufacturer Sientra Purchased

On April 2, Tiger Aesthetics Medical, LLC emerged as the successful bidder in Sientra's breast reconstruction and augmentation business. Nuance Intermediary, LLC secured the majority of assets related to Sientra's BIOCORNEUM scar treatment business.

Individuals who purchased Sientra's products have wondered about how the transition of ownership will affect warranties and patient care. Both transactions are subject to approval by the United States Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware on April 10, with the intention of ensuring regulatory standards and patient interests are upheld

New Owner to Honor Breast Implant Warranties

Tiger Aesthetics Medical will assume all warranties and customer contracts. Existing breast implant warranties under Sientra's current warranty programs will be honored through the closing process. The assurance aims to alleviate concerns among patients who rely on warranties for peace of mind, device replacements, and support.

Legal counsel, investment bankers, and financial advisors continue to assist in the navigation of Sientra's path through bankruptcy and its commitment to patients. Sientra invites anyone wanting more information to contact sales representatives or email with questions or concerns.

Breast Implant Safety Alliance (BISA) will provide more information as details emerge. Stay tuned for further updates as we continue to monitor Sientra's journey through Chapter 11 bankruptcy and its implications for breast implant safety. 


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